A new home has been found for Swindon Speedway races.

For many years, Swindon Motorsports regularly used Abbey Stadium for its sporting events, but doing so became financially unviable, so the Robins announced their departure from the site in September.

Gaming International chairman Clark Osbourne set up a joint company with Swindon Speedway called Swindon Motorsport Ltd with the aim of finding a new venue for the local team.

The company spent months analysing potential locations capable of supporting a multi-motorsports facility.

On Friday, Mr Osborne announced that terms have been agreed with the landowners of a location that is within a 45-minute drive of Swindon.

A planning application is now being prepared ready to submit to the local authority in the new year.

Mr Osbourne added: “After months of hard work from our team, we have secured what I think is a brilliant site for the development of the motorsports parc, capable of providing facilities for a full range of motorsport activity and well within our drivetime criteria.

“We are in discussions to outline and agree the planning process before announcing the location of the Parc which I hope will follow very soon.

“A big thank you for all those who have contacted me and Swindon Motorsports, mainly through our web site with suggestions on sites, productive comments, and encouragement.

“Please keep engaging.”

Stadia UK, which is the operator of Abbey Stadium, is currently overseeing the redevelopment of the site for greyhound racing, but has not included Speedway facilities in its plans.

Speedway in Swindon was previously said to be restricted by the number of events it could operate at its Blunsdon home, so there were no further opportunities for the sport to raise increased money and it could not run profitably overall.

It is hoped that the new site will secure the future of the sport locally.

Terry Russell, director of Swindon Motorsports and Swindon Chairman of Swindon Speedway, added: “It has been months of hard work, but I think it will all be worth the effort.

“We are well progressed with the design of the track and customer facilities where we have the opportunity to bring in the latest facilities and specification to make a great spectator experience and provide riders with a safe consistent racetrack to show their skill and race craft with exciting racing.

“We will need all supporters of Speedway to get behind this venture and secure a future for Speedway racing in Swindon.”